Hi Everyone,
I have a long update to do on what's been going on around here, but it will have to wait for a while longer...this is a busy week with one night of conferences down tonight, and another one Thursday night. My sleep patterns continue to be out of whack- and I dreamt the other night Spiderman and WonderWoman were trying to break into our house and I was running around locking all the windows and doors but couldn't get a scream out...ever have one of those dreams where you can't scream??? I must have finally got one out because I woke myself up and couldn't get back to sleep. Geez- wonder what a dream analyst would say about that one?!?!? Maybe I've finally lost it! No comments Scott!!! haha
I want to update on the Coleman Larson Skate-a-thon the 4H group put on last Saturday- Caden was on skates from 8am- 9pm with only a couple hour break when he went to a friend's house... (THANKS ZACK!)
It was truly an AMAZING day I'll update on soon.
For now, I wanted to get this cookie recipe on here that someone had requested- sorry it took me a while to find it-
and add a couple of pics from Caden on Palm Sunday.
More coming soon,
Blessings to you all-
1 c. whole pecans
1 tsp vinegar
3 egg whites
1 pinch of salt
1 c. of sugar
You will need:
Mixing bowl
Wooden spoon
Ziplock baggie
Wax paper
Cookie sheet
Place pecans in the baggie and let the children beat them with the wooden spoon to break into small pieces. Explain that after Jesus was arrested, He was beaten by the Roman soldiers. (Read John 19: 1-3)
Let the children smell the vinegar. Put 1 tsp. into a mixing bowl. Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on the cross, He was given vinegar to drink. (Read John 19: 28-30)
Add the egg whites to the vinegar. Eggs represent life. Explain that Jesus gave his life for us. (Read John 10: 10-11)
Sprinkle a little salt into the children’s hand and let them taste it, then brush the rest into the bowl. Explain that it represents the salty tears shed by Jesus’ followers and the bitterness of our own sin. (Read Luke 23:27)
So far the ingredients aren’t very appetizing. Add 1 cup of sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of this story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know and belong to Him. (Read Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16)
Beat with mixer on high speed for 11-15 minutes until stiff peaks form. Explain that the color white represents the purity in God’s eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus. (Read Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3)
Fold in broken nuts. Drop by teaspoon onto wax paper-covered cookie sheet. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus’ body was laid. (Read Matthew 27: 65-66)
Put cookie sheet in oven. Close the door and turn the oven OFF. Give the child a piece of tape and seal the door. Explain that Jesus’ tomb was sealed. (Read Matthew 27:65-66)
Explain they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus’ followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed. (Read John 16:20 and 22)
Go to bed!
On Resurrection morning, open the oven and give everyone a cookie!
Notice the cracked surface and take a bite. The cookies are hollow! On the first Resurrection Day, Jesus’ followers were amazed to find the tomb open and empty. (Read Matthew 28: 1-9)
He has risen! Hallelujah!
A quick story about Palm Sunday...
Caden asked if he could go get a drink during service...he came back with his cheeks PUFFED out- and got up to my face. I thought he was bluffing, and he only had AIR in them, so I squeezed his cheeks together- ,( kind of hard) WATER SHOT out allllll over me and the pew!!!! The people sitting behind us got a good laugh out of that one- The lady sitting behind me said, "You should have seen his eyes!!!"
Yep- lesson learned! I bet Coleman would have had a thing or two, or THREE to say about THAT! :)
Have a great rest of the week everyone!
I said in the last update I’d do a St. Patrick’s Day post- so here goes…
Someone who is newer to Coleman’s carepage may not know that St. Patrick’s Day was always a favorite of Coleman’s and Caden’s….Coleman considered it his “lucky day”- for many reasons. His favorite color was GREEN, so he pretty much felt the day was ALLLLL about him when he’d see everyone wearing HIS favorite color! It held some significance in his journey- with his stem cell transplant being done ON St. Patrick’s day after having to be delayed…(we considered it a lucky twist in fate.)
Also one of the boys-(isn’t it terrible I can’t remember which one now-but I think it was Coleman) had his hernia surgery done ON St. Patrick’s day by Dr. Irish. What a coincidence. (Oh-by the way- they both had hernia surgeries by Dr. Irish- I just can’t remember which one had it ON St. Patrick’s day!)
Anyway- Caden and Coleman loved to set traps for the leprechauns and try to trick them to find their pot of gold. They’d have so much fun with the whole thing. I’d spread gold glitter all around their traps- and be ducking under and tripping over their booby traps the entire night before!
Caden kept the tradition going yesterday when he set his own leprechaun trap…but he had to be quick about it, as he and I didn’t get home until past his bedtime that night, so he threw this together before getting into his jammies.
He only got his finger caught in the mousetrap ONCE while getting it all set up! :)
He was up by 6:00 the next morning and was SO excited to find a note from the leprechaun, along with some special treats-
He carried around the green piece of fabric that was stuck in the mousetrap, but was convinced it was from the leprechaun's PANTS and not his jacket! He kept saying he needed to save the "evidence" to show grandma!
(Thank goodness for our stash of treats I’ve picked up here and there, as I really didn’t have time to go get him anything!) I TRULY don’t know WHAT the leprechaun was thinking when he left this little horn…You would have thought when he looked at the package and it said, “INCREDIBLY LOUD” and “FOR OUTDOOR USE ONLY” that would have been a big clue to leave it in the leprechaun store.
See that little hole you blow into? Yeah- the MEGA BLAST- is MEGA LOUUUUD!!!
It must have been a weak moment…but he KNEW Caden would love the thing! :) OH and also a whoopee cushion…what is it that boys love about those?!? It’s just so great to hear him giggle, after he’s been feeling a little blue lately. He really did have a fun day!
Here are some pics from Caden’s special day of Green…
Drinking his green leprechaun milk-
He asked me if we could send something to Coleman in Heaven, so while he was in school I got him some balloons to release when he got home…He decided to keep one for his bedroom, and let the others go. Then he blew his horn VERY loudly so Cman could hear it. Check out how much snow has melted- the past couple of days have been in the 50’s and gorgeous! Now they’re talking snow again this weekend! UGG- at least we know it won’t stick around too long?!?
Oh- I also wanted to share this little ditty I made for Cade….he’s only watched it about a hundred times now! He loves it! I showed it to Scott, and he didn’t even realize it was Caden until the close up- and then he cracked up. You’ll have to follow the link, I can’t seem to embed it…but it’s worth clicking on! :)
He has watched it over and over and keeps clicking replay, so the music is stuck in my head and driving me CRRRRRAZY! :)
Here are some pics of Cman looking through the clover patch one year for a four leaf clover- then I remember he picked a bunch and pretended to EAT them just to laugh at me freaking out!
And a video from March 2008…
Here is a song I wanted to share by David M Bailey called “Her Favorite Color was Green.” I changed the word HER to HIS because it reminded me so much of Coleman…
His favorite color was green,
And that’s about all that I know.
Except that he knew the Lord loved him…
His Bible told him so.
He swam in an ocean of laughter.
He danced in a desert of grace.
The way that he loved those around him,
was written all over his face.
I was there, the evening that he left us.
I heard every tear that was shed.
I wanted to ask God the reason,
But I asked him “what now” instead.
“What now God would you have us say?”
“What now God would you have us do?”
“Wasn’t it clear he was faithful?”
“Wasn’t that enough for you?””
And God said…
“How could you ask such a question”
“Surely the answer is clear.”
“Do I have to paint you a picture?”
“Is it not enough that I’m here?”
I said, “God, that’s not what I meant…
He was just too young to die.”
God said,
“I know what you mean…
Remember… I watched my son cry.”
I said “Yes, but at least your boy is with you now.”
He said “Right, and now so is he.”
“I set him a place at my table… and you should see that boy eat.”
“Oh in fact, I wish you could see him smiling.”
“Then you’d know… he feels right at home.”
“He’s been telling the angels about you.”
“So you won’t feel alone.”
His favorite color was green.
That’s my favorite too.
He’s already sliding down rainbows…
Right between yellow and blue.
In the next post, we’ll take some pics of our new CureSearchwalk tshirts Caden FINALLY finished designing. He only changed his mind about 423 times he said. haha
I tried to sway his mind, but he kept reminding me I PROMISED HE could be in charge of them, so they’re HIS little project. He decided he wanted the number ONE on them instead of 22. (Go figure- it’s his dirt bike number)…So the back of the shirts NOW say, “Neva Div Up! 1 child at a time”
We’ll put a pic with ordering info in the next post…
AND if you had some trouble voting for the VanWey video I posted about last time…go to www.familydanceoff.com Register and then vote for the VanWeys- (I think their video is on pg 15 or 16) The video is called FTK (for the kids) VanWey Family Video. This would really help the IOWA CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL IN IOWA CITY….THANKS FOR YOUR VOTE & YOUR HELP!!!!
Okay, That’s it for now…
Caden is probably going to be sharing some BIG news about his FIRST TOOTH coming out very, very soon! (his bottom front two are getting loose!) Yikes- he’s getting bigger! Not sure if I’m really, really sad he’s growing so fast, OR really, really happy that he has the chance to… Just thanking God for ALL of my blessings…included all of you.
THANK YOU for taking the time to leave us a message. Someone asked me if we even read them- YES, of course we do- each and every one! You have NO IDEA how much they lift us on the tough days. It really does mean a lot to us that so many of you still take the time to let us know you continue checking in with us. I wish I had the time to look up everyone’s email who leaves a message- unfortunately it’s impossible to sift through the names to find the email that goes with it. If you’d like a reply, send an email…either way, we thank you!
Where to begin? It’s been a while since I’ve updated…so I have a feeling this will be a more than one part post. Just warning you…we’ll see! We’ve been keeping busy as usual, and some days, “moments” are better than others. I could blame it on the weather (it’s been really gray and muddy lately) but I think the “funk” we find ourselves in would come and go no matter what the weather. Some warm sunshine sure would be nice though! It’s a good thing God is helping us along no matter what the weather outside…
Here are some pics of the snow- it has melted a LOT since I took these- YAY!
Well, now down to business…
I know I’m always asking our carepage people for help, and you’ve all been so wonderful and supportive throughout our family’s journey. We want you to know how much it has meant AND continues to mean to us. I have a couple of requests to throw out there once again, and THANK YOU in advance for all of our angels here on Earth!
The first is a request for an on-line vote…
Little Mikayla VanWey’s family has made a dance video and is trying to win a dance contest that will benefit the Iowa City Children’s Hospital where Coleman was treated. Sorry Spoonies, I voted for you too, but have to pull for our home-state hospital on this one! :) Here’s how YOU can help. Go to
and vote for the VanWeys video. Simple as that. Doesn’t cost a dime, but every vote counts and could make a big difference to a hospital we called “home” for so long. I think you can vote every day through Friday.
Here’s a little video Coleman made for Mikayla while we were in New York. I’m not sure if I ever sent it- as it was hard to understand him…he was trying to tell Mikayla not to “twy” (cry) because she looked pretty no matter how much hair she had. Then he went into “a snake wif a belly ache”…not sure what that was all about- something only he and Caden understood I think! Anyway- a vote for the VanWey’s video would really mean a lot to us. THANKS for taking the time!
Also wanted to mention the SKATE-A-THON in memory of Coleman on March 27th in Gowrie…put on by the Elkhorn Eagle 4Hers. Kids will be skating in time slots, and we’re planning to use the proceeds toward a Coleman Scott Larson scholarship for the school, and part toward the CureSearch walk coming up…Speaking of the walk…Here is the info again…
Visit our page at: Curesearch Walk- TEAM LARSON PAGE.
I think we’re way behind in raising money compared to where we were last year…but we’re doing our best. You do not need to be present to join or donate to our team, but we’d love to have you join us if possible. Again, Caden is working on designing the shirts- and has come up with LOTS of ideas… for SOME reason is determined to include the number 22 on the shirt somewhere??? Not sure his reasoning on that, but I told him that was okay- HE was in charge of the shirts. He’s excited about it! He’s also asked if we could have a garage sale, and he would be willing to sell his toys to make money for the kids with cancer. I love his giving heart.
Speaking of hearts- my friends and I got the chance to go to a screening of the movie Letters to God last night. The movie is inspired by Tyler Doughtie…a little boy who had medulloblastoma like Coleman. There were so many times during the movie that it reminded me so much of Coleman. From the first scene with the back of the little boy’s head- with the scar running down his bald head and neck- I was reminded of how many times my lips kissed Coleman’s scar and prayed it would one day be covered by a full head of hair…but most of all the movie reminded me of Coleman’s faith in “Dod”. Coleman talked to God so many times that brought tears to my eyes- praying for a crying baby in the room next to ours in the hospital, thanking God for people being so nice to him, and repeating time and time again throughout his journey how he KNEW Jesus was going to help him.
We should ALL have the faith of a child.
Matthew 18: 2-4 “He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
I was also reminded that when you pray- God doesn’t require you to use big words- or find the need for you to be scripted…Coleman talked to “Dod” like he was talking to a friend. He kept it simple and conversational.
One of the lines in the movie was “Everything I touch turns to dust. I can’t hold on to anything.” Oh how I have felt like that so many times! But it went on to talk about clasping your hands together and entwining your fingers in prayer- then nothing can slip through.
There have been times I have been on my knees- desperately asking for things to be different. There have been so many times I have felt NOTHING was in my control, and I was right. GOD is the only way I have been able to get up off the floor. He has listened to every cry I’ve whimpered to Him. He hasn’t always answered me in the way I wanted…BUT He has never left me, and He’s shown me that there is so much I have to be grateful for. PLEASE go see this movie if you can. It comes out in theaters April 9th…the message is one that everyone needs to hear. Some people have told me they don’t want to see it- it would be too sad, but the message is one of HOPE and FAITH. Yes, you may cry a tear or two, but I promise it will touch your heart. THANK you to BigFinishFilms for bringing the screening to DesMoines so we could watch it with people who mean so much to us…and God bless the Doughtie Family for sharing Tyler’s faith. Also check out: www.letterstogodthemovie.com
Here’s a preview of the movie…
And a few of the funny faces of the Cman- oh how I miss that scrunched up face he’d do! We’re so blessed God chose US to be his family.
Until next time, thank you so much for checking in on us- for your support and your continued prayers- Thank you for filling our buckets and may yours be filled in return!
One day there WILL be a cure…NEVA DIV UP.
Blessings to you all,
This is a blog created about our family- Team Larson... our son, our hero, Coleman went to heaven after his battle with medulloblastoma (brain cancer) at the age of five. Our posts will be about how his mommy, daddy and twin brother Caden remember the past, live in the present and face the future with Coleman watching over them.